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Confucianism in Ethics and Social Values of South Korea

South Korea is a country of integration tradition ancient with modernity , and deep context this , system values and ethics its society was heavily influenced by Confucianism . Confucianism Alone is A originating philosophy​ from teachings a philosopher big China , Confucius or Kong Fuzi. Teachings This has become solid moral and social foundations in Korea during centuries . Confucianism in South Korea is changing start leave draft deity in teachings Confucianism and making Confucianism make it philosophy life . Now South Korea thinks that Confucianism not religion but A equal trust​ with religion. South Korea more understand that teachings Confucianism teach about moral ethics .

Confucianism emphasize a number of principle main thing that forms foundation values and ethics in South Korean society :

  1. Filial Piety (Hyo): Respect and filial piety to parents​ as well as ancestors is the essence of Confucianism . Principle This emphasize importance connection family and roles individual in guard harmony family .
  2. Humaneness (Ren): Kindness heart and humanity in connection between individuals . Ren pushed attitude empathy , love love and care to fellow .
  3. Righteousness (Yi): Justice and morality in actions and decisions . Yi emphasized importance integrity and honesty .
  4. Proper Conduct (Li): Compliance to custom customs and etiquette social . Li covers behavior politeness , etiquette, and internal rituals life daily .
  5. Wisdom (Zhi): Wisdom and knowledge as guide in take correct and moral decisions .​

Although South Korea has experience transformation significant in various aspect life , incl economic , technological , and cultural , influences Confucianism still very thick feels . The values taught by Confucianism​ Keep going play role important in shape social norms , the way people interact One each other, as well ethics Work . Values​ like respect towards parents and ancestors , its importance education , ethics high level of work , and hierarchy social is an integral part of life everyday life in South Korea. Rapid transformation and modernization​ No delete footsteps Confucianism in Korean society . Instead , values This still become the main pillar that protects harmony social and giving moral guide for individual in undergo life they . Influence This can seen in various aspect life Korean society , starting from connection family , system education , up to structure social and cultural existing work​ moment This .

Confucianism put family as the most important unit in public . Respect to parents and ancestors​ still highly respected tall . Ceremony warning ancestors ( jesa ) and celebrations day big family such as Seollal ( Lunar New Year ) and Chuseok (Korean Thanksgiving). reflection from values This . Education is also considered as road main For achieve high social status and success .​ Principles Emphasizing Confucianism​ discipline , work loud , and respectful to teachers is very influential system education in South Korea. This matter reflected in tight competition​ For enter to leading universities and achievements high academics .​ In Work Ethics , Confucianism emphasize importance dedication and loyalty to job and boss . High work ethic , including long hours and commitment​​​ to companies , is a common norm in South Korea. Hierarchy in place work also reflects structure social Confucianism , where reverence to superiors and seniors are given priority . In interaction In everyday life , South Korean people tend to be very polite and pay attention to etiquette, such as bow moment give regards , usage formal language , and respect to more​ old . Korean has various level politeness used​ in conversation daily . Formal language or Formal addresses ( 씨 ssi , 님 nim, 선생님 seonsaengnim , 사장님 sajangnim , 선배 sunbae ) are used when speak with more people old or in situation it’s official , here show respect and politeness . Drink alcohol is also a part important from culture social media in South Korea. There are some necessary rules​ followed moment enjoy drink alcohol , esp in context social and professional . Like pouring drink for others, drinking with A little look away head or cover your mouth as sign respect with more​ old , etc.​

Although Confucianism own strong influence , South Korea is also facing challenge in maintain values this is in the modern era. Globalization , urbanization , and change demographic has bring change significant in structure family and society . Generation young more exposed to emphasized Western values individualism and freedom personal , which sometimes contradictory with values collectivist and hierarchical Confucianism . However , many Koreans still do appreciate and try maintain principles Confucianism in life they . Values​ This considered as inheritance valuable culture and an integral part of identity South Korean national . Confucianism has form ethics and values South Korean social during centuries and still still relevant in Lots aspect modern life . From relationships family until ethics work , principles Confucianism give strong moral and social framework . Although face challenge from global changes , values Confucianism still become part important from South Korean culture and identity .

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